3 min

HKET Interview : How we are tackling the current epidemic.

Updated: May 18, 2021


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many public exams, such as the IBDP, iGCSE, GCE A-Levels, were all cancelled in 2020, disrupting the plans of many students. Many tuition centres have thus developed and utilised different ways to conduct online lessons, helping students with their studies during times of crisis.

"We have a pretty good reputation, which could be due to our pricing," For You Education(慧理教育) founder Terry Lo said, "as we are relatively cheaper than many tuition centres who also specialise in teaching international school students." He also mentioned that there had been students and parents who said that he could and should raise the prices slightly since there are other centres that charge up to HKD1000 an hour.

Many people have the misconception that families of international school students tend to be relatively wealthier, yet not every family would be able to afford such high fees, thus one of the goals of For You Education is to extend assistance to more students from different backgrounds.

"One of our main features is that we are flexible. Since our students undertake a variety of curricula and a wide range of subjects, whenever they come to us for help, we always try to find the most suitable tutor for them. As long as they need help, we will try our best to provide it."

Ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Hong Kong in February, For You Education has already been carrying out online lessons and has offered different options and styles of lessons for students to freely choose from. In order to make online lessons more appealing and helpful, the lessons have been split into two sessions. Under the new arrangements, the first session is a tailor-made recording, the second is a live lesson between a tutor and the students. The new arrangements can accommodate more hard-working students since they can always re-watch the recordings whenever they would like to revise.

Overseas students have also benefitted from this new arrangement. Since some of them only return to Hong Kong over holidays, thus the recordings can allow them to receive help from the centre even when they are away.

Terry also noted that For You Education is made up of young and ambitious people, thus is unafraid of trying out new things, and gladly, most have worked out so far. "Sometimes when we face new obstacles, such as this pandemic, there are bound to be certain things that we wouldn't know how to handle. But, if we just come together and work it out, the answer can always be found through taking action."

HKET Interview link : https://sme.hket.com/article/2660899

慧理教育(FOR YOU EDUCATION)2013 年成立,創辧人 Terry Lo 甫畢業便創立補習公司營運至今。他笑言:「慶幸過往有不少同路人幫手,其實我和拍檔不是教育出身,公司可以茁壯成長,有賴一班有創意又有行動力的好同事。現時我們公司全職職員共 7人,算是在這區站穩了腳跟。」

新冠肺炎疫情爆發,不僅令 DSE 要延期,國際學校的公開試更是大地震。Terry 解釋:「國際學校學生在 11 年級時要考 IGCSE, 13 年級時要考 IBDP,受疫情影響,IGCSE 今年取消、IBDP 的評分模式亦都改變了。對我們很大打擊。尤其 IGCSE 及 IBDP考試取消後,我們今年是立即少了一半學生。」

IB 的變化也令家長、學生焦頭爛額,Terry 指當時大約是 4 月,全世界都在等待相關機構公布消息,我們亦不停向大學、考試局和各個辦學機構進行查詢,並立時通知家長最新消息。最後原定在 5 至 6 月開考的 IBDP 亦改變了過往的考試模式。改為利用簡報、文字報告等作為新的評核標準,Terry 說:「當時我們立即便要跟到足,例如學生們無法回學校練簡報,我們便和他們做對練。文字報告方面便推介一些書給他們參閱,並講解作者想表達的想法。希望能提升學生水平,改善他們的表現。」

香港經濟日報 訪問專題 : https://sme.hket.com/article/2660899