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2020 暑期課程
今年的暑期課程由不同單元組成,包括:STEAM (科學,技術,工程,藝術,數學),IB 考試學術預備課,還有在假期𥚃培育小孩認知技能的桌上遊戲工作坊。
我們的暑期活動包括了三個課程,令到不論從小學到 IB預備班的學生們,在假期𥚃的時間能得以能得以妥善利用。
Tailored modules for students to prepare for their upcoming first year of the IB Diploma Programme during summer. The modules include Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Chemistry Biology and English, with six different sessions, over a span of three weeks, making it a perfect way to balance your summer holidays while not slacking back.
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